Iron gates have long provided a universal symbol for ‘keep Out', 'Private' and 'No Trespassing’ but, in reality, they are much more than that. Large, ornate gates are often an understated method of securing a symbol of status, a sign of wealth.
An iron gate can be erected for several reasons, perhaps you have children or pets that you need to keep in. Maybe you want a little extra privacy. Sometimes iron gates simply represent a bit of the owners inner soul. What does your Iron Gate say about you?
Since the beginning of evolution humans have always expressed emotion and feelings through design and implementation. It is the essence of art within the soul. From paintings and music to buildings and architecture it is natural for feelings and emotions to be depicted through design.
Humans have always been inventive and creative so it is no wonder that iron gates, often the entrance to mans 'castle' reflect the human emotion and personality of those whose castle the gates protect.
What does your Iron Gate say about you? As with all forms of art and expressionism how people perceive art is completely subjective so no one can say exactly what it means. Such a question has no 'right' answer - what the eye of the beholder see's determines perception of the design, but often people wear their heart on their sleeves and this can be reflected in design.
A person that has a simple, maybe standard,
wrought iron gate design with straight features and no frills may be a simple person. Some may say these types of gates look cold and distant and that may represent how the person is feeling. Perhaps the person is a guardian and likes to keep everyone they love safe and sound.
In the opposite spectrum, you have the
bespoke iron gates that are filled with contemporary curves and designs. The owners of these gates are likely artists at heart that are filled with uncontrollable passion and emotion. They will likely be romantics and lovers who may be ready for love in their life. Perhaps they even lost their love and instead of bottling it up, they portray it in front of their house.
Some people have fences that are full of child inspired images like boats and zoo animals. These people have never given up their childhood imagination and energy. They are full of vibrant energy, so much that they have to show it in their gates. They could also be gentle hearted people that allow the children of the household to lead the design.
Every Iron Gate has a meaning, some are just harder to find than others and although their physical purpose is to offer security and protection, they may also have a deeper purpose. Humans often alter their environment based on what they feel inside and wrought iron gates are no different. So, what your gate say's about you is, ultimately, up to you.